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Již podvanácté se konala Studentská vědecká konference na 3. LF UK. Studenti si nejen vyzkoušeli, jaké to je, předvést svou práci před kritickým odborným publikem, ale akce navíc opět přilákala zvučná jména medicíny coby čestné hosty.

V kongresovém sále Orea Hotelu Pyramida se 16. května uskutečnil druhý ročník veletrhu inovací Via Carolina. Jeho cílem bylo představit nové vědecké projekty a výzkumné týmy Univerzity Karlovy, které by mohly najít uplatnění v komerční sféře nebo veřejné správě.

Přenos poznatků a technologií k veřejnosti a komerčním subjektům je pro dnešní univerzity klíčovou součástí jejich existence. Kontakt s veřejností zvyšuje povědomí o dění na univerzitách a generuje zisk. Zatímco takzvané tvrdé vědy nacházejí své praktické uplatnění snadno, v oblasti věd společenských a humanitních přenos nových znalostí zatím zaostává.

Poslední dubnový týden podepsali rektoři a prorektoři univerzit strategické sítě CENTRAL – Univerzity Karlovy, Humboldtovy Univerzity v Berlíně, Univerzity Loránda Eötvöse v Budapešti, Univerzity Vídeň a Univerzity Varšava – novou smlouvu o spolupráci.

Osmička zástupců kandidátek politických stran, které se ucházejí o hlasy voličů v nadcházejících volbách do Evropského parlamentu, se ve středu 15. května setkala na Právnické fakultě...

Charles University Rector Tomáš Zima and the president of the Czech Chamber of Commerce Vladimír Dlouhý have signed a memorandum further strengthening cooperation between both institutions.

Monday, 03 June 2019 14:54

That Other Life

That Other Life (Ten druhý život) is an ongoing exhibition mapping Czech military missions abroad. Bringing together the work of numerous acclaimed photographers, it offers viewers a close-up look at conflict areas where Czechs continue to serve: Afghanistan, Mali, Kosovo and Iraq.

The show opened at Charles University’s Carolinum on Thursday.

Monday, 03 June 2019 14:54

Masopust Celebrations

The commencement of Lent is marked in various ways across the globe: Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, and more locally, the Czech festival of ‘Masopust’. Dating back to the 13th century, the celebration of Masopust, a meat feast before fasting (the name literally means giving up meat), traditionally symbolises the departure of winter and the beckons the arrival of spring.

“You hear lots of good ideas over a lifetime but when an idea becomes reality, that’s truly exceptional,” is how Jiří Zima, dean of Charles University’s Faculty of Science, sums up the installation of an exceptional interactive Periodic Table at the Chemistry Institute found in Albertov in Prague.

Monday, 03 June 2019 14:54

“Interesting times” in the EU

Georg Habsburg-Lothringen, the grandson of Karl I, the last Austrian emperor, was an honoured speaker at Charles University this week. On the occasion of his visit, he gave a lecture about Europe, Central Europe and the European Union. Also central were EU perspectives post-Brexit and the impact of the recent elections to the European Parliament.

Monday, 03 June 2019 14:54

Students’ perspectives on Brexit

Since its foundation in 1987, over 200,000 British students have studied or worked in Europe under the Erasmus exchange programme. The United Kingdom has also proven to be one of the most popular destinations for Erasmus students, receiving 31,727 students and trainees in 2016/17.

University representatives as well as numerous dignitaries and invited guests marked the 671st anniversary of the founding of Charles University at the school’s historic heart, the Carolinum, on Thursday. Esteemed guests included the Speaker of the lower house of Parliament Radek Vondráček, Deputy Speaker of the Senate Miluše Horská, and the Apostolic Nuncio to the Czech Republic Charles Daniel Balvo....

Monday, 03 June 2019 14:52

Charles University in 2018

The editorial team of the Forum magazine is publishing its summary of the past year for the second time. Last year’s summary paid tribute to the largely unsung and unseen staff at the Rectorate without whom the university could not function, This year Forum magazine decided to pay tribute to a dozen significant personalities on the Czech scientific scene. Once again a non-traditional method was chosen to profile them.

Prague’s Charles University has joined the European heritage organisation Europa Nostra, founded in 1963. For more than 50 years, the organisation’s aim has been to help protect significant cultural heritage sites such as the university’s St. Wenceslas Rotunda - recognised in an official ceremony earlier this year.

Few national holidays are more significant in the Czech Republic than November 17 - marking two major events in their history 50 years apart: the murder of Czech students by the Nazis in 1939 and the harsh repression that followed, and the start of the Velvet Revolution in 1989 that brought down totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia.

Visitors to the Czech capital and Charles University have an opportunity to see a unique exhibition on at the Carolinum until the end of January 2019. On view are some of Charles University’s rarest treasures, such as the university’s founding document and its historic seal and insignia. The exhibition is free.

As European organisations of universities, we express our concern regarding recent political developments and discussions, potentially leading to a division of the existing European Education, Research and Innovation landscape and its associated EU funding schemes.

Recent doctoral graduate Vojtěch Kubelka at Charles University, Prague, is the lead author of an article in the magazine Science that describes trends in the predation of shorebirds nests with relation to climate change. The article by the six-member international team was part of his dissertation, which he defended in September at the Department of Ecology, at Charles University in Prague.

Charles University has staged one of its bigger Erasmus+ events this year for foreign students participating in the programme – a party held in the centre of Prague. The aim was to ease the start of studies by giving them a feeling for their new surroundings. And to mark the 20th anniversary of the program in the Czech Republic.

Monday, 03 June 2019 14:51

Sarah Leupen's lecture

Current research in cognitive science has demonstrated the importance and value of metacognition and reflection in formal learning; fortunately for us, our colleagues in the field of education have developed and tested numerous specific techniques that we can use to teach students how to effectively reflect on the learning process and understanding.

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