Displaying items by tag: networking

This Tuesday, Charles University hosted a much-awaited conference organised by Science|Business and the Science|Business Widening initiative. The event was part of a series of debates on how to transform the Widening Programme.

This Tuesday, Charles University welcomed a delegation from the University of Passau in neighbouring Germany, in a shared effort to deepen existing ties and establish plans for future cooperation.

Charles University in cooperation with the Czexpats in Science Initiative is launching the Young Principal Investigator Forum #YPIF – a platform for meeting and exchanging information among young leaders of research groups from all institutions in the Czech Republic.

Univerzita Karlova ve spolupráci s Iniciativou Czexpats in Science spouští Young Principal Investigator Forum #YPIF – platformu pro setkávání a výměnu informací mezi mladými vedoucími výzkumných skupin ze všech institucí v Česku.

Curych není jen švýcarské město čokolády a bankovnictví. Na několik dní také bylo místem, kam se sjelo více než tři sta komunikátorů a komunikátorek z celé Evropy na konferenci EUPRIO s tématem „Science communication: how to engage nowadays“‎.

Zurich is more than the Swiss city of chocolate and banking or one of the richest cities in the world: recently, it was the destination where communicators from all over Europe converged. The conference central theme  of the annual conference was “Science communication: how to engage nowadays”.

Innovation Breakfasts, organised by the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, have been running since last September. The series provides participants with new opportunities to broaden their outlook and a chance to connect with professionals from different backgrounds.